Saturday, December 18, 2010

Green Shed Competiton : Canada

GREEN SHED: An open, international competition for small scale, sustainable design.
In dense urban settings, community gardens are an invaluable public resource - they not only provide the opportunity for city dwellers to grow their own food, but they may also educate the wider community about organics, food security, and sustainability.

Our project team’s design for the Green Shed incorporates by-products from park and garden maintenance, rain water and snow melt capture and sun storage to create a self-sustaining structure for year-around use. The shed captures heat from biodegrading organic materials in the wall and floor cavities. The building frame and infill components are made from locally sourced lumber and reclaimed corrugated glass and metal panels.

Welcome to the Waechter Architects Blog

Waechter Architects
4712 N. Ravenswood Ave : Chicago, IL 60640 : 773-728-3920

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Why do we have a W-Arch Blog?

This is where you can get an informal glimpse of our in-progress and current work which you might not find on our web-site. In the case of Charles Friedlander this is a place where you can get a glimpse of what is literally 'on the boards', as he artfully drafts everything by hand. In addition to in-progress and current work, you will find posts on a variety of topics, events and interests which will introduce you to our team and what makes us tick.